I often question myself, why do I even bother blogging? It's not like anyone reads this! And to the small portion of people who do read this, why do you read this? To be honest, all this blog is, is just some pictures and posts that make no sense to anybody but me. Perhaps this blog would be better on private - meaning only I could look at it. But then again, after I've question myself...I answer myself.
I blog because sometimes when theres no one I can talk to in the real world, this blog is always here for me. I can tell it anything, and I don't expect to be judged.
Plus, it feels kinda good knowing that those few people who do read this blog, know a little bit about what goes behind my smile, and behind my thoughts. I just hope that I always will have a few people reading this, so I know I'm not alone.
I've wanted to change my URL to this blog for some time now, but I always hesitate in fear that those people who look at my blog, won't be able to find it again....and soon, once again, I'll be the only person here. So thank you :) To those few people who do look at my blog occasionally. It means so much to me, and as long as I have those few people, I will continue blogging.
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